MP3 Joiner is a PC program that enables users to join multiple MP3 files into a single file. This application also offers users the possibility to compress joined files so as to save disk space. They can also encrypt certain files in order to prevent other users to access them and, thus, to ensure data security.
MP3 Joiner allows users to apply the necessary settings in order for them to come up with a high-quality output. For instance, one can adjust the sampling frequency, channel mode or bit rate per seconds. These features are located in the “Options” section of the “Operation” main menu. By using this application, users benefit from a wide range of useful setting options as far as audio files organization is concerned. In this regard, they can add certain information such as a genre, album title, artist, year of release, and they can insert lyrics, comments, etc. Also, users have the possibility to choose which MP3 files are password protected and which are not. Additionally, after the MP3 files joining process completes, users get to play the newly created files.
All in all, MP3 Joiner is a handy tool that enables users to join large numbers of MP3 files into a single large one. In this way, users won’t have to select a song from the play list every few minutes. Also they can choose the order for the joined MP3 files.
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